문제 링크 - https://swexpertacademy.com/main/learn/course/lectureProblemViewer.do
def start():
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
if arr[i][j] == '2':
return i, j
return -1 -1
def bfs(y, x):
queue = []
queue.append((y, x))
visited[y][x] = 1
while queue:
cy, cx = queue.pop(0)
if arr[cy][cx] == '3':
return visited[cy][cx] - 2
for dy, dx in [(1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, 1), (0, -1)]:
ny, nx = cy + dy, cx + dx
if 0 <= ny < N and 0 <= nx < N and arr[ny][nx] != '1' and visited[ny][nx] == 0:
visited[ny][nx] = visited[cy][cx] + 1
queue.append((ny, nx))
return 0
T = int(input())
for tc in range(1, T+1):
N = int(input())
arr = [list(input()) for _ in range(N)]
visited = [[0] * N for _ in range(N)]
si, sj = start()
print('#{} {}'.format(tc, bfs(si, sj)))
bfs를 이용한 문제.
시작지점과 도착지점을 포함하기 때문에 최종결과는 도착지점 방문값 -2
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